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Feeling heavy and overwhelmed? remember this...

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

What opposition are you facing today? Is it in your emotions? Do you feel heavy or overwhelmed? Maybe it is in your mind and you are combating negative thoughts and lies. What about your physical body? Are you in pain or fighting off sickness? Are old thoughts and insecurities attempting to show back up in your life? Whatever it is that is opposing to you today, I want you to know a few things:

  1. You are not alone.

I write this because I have noticed the attack of the enemy on believers right now. As we are aligning ourselves with God and His will for our lives, we are simultaneously experiencing warfare and attacks that try to discredit the reality of where we are in Christ. You are not alone and it is not just you, other believers are feeling this push back as well.

Late last month, (May, 2022) my husband and I received revelation, impartation, and confirmation from God for our family. Shortly after, we both fell ill with Covid-19. Our daughter also was affected, but only had symptoms for 24 hours. After we all recovered, I felt off internally. I felt discouraged, low, and sad. Insecurities that I have already overcome began to ring in my ears again and my mind was bombarded with negative thoughts and feelings. Symptoms of depression that I know I have been freed from tried to revisit and I felt defeated. I began to pray and pull on God for help. One day, as I cast my cares and feelings to God, I heard Him say:

1. “This is only a distraction.”

I received instant clarity when I heard Him say this. I was then able to separate myself and my identity from the thoughts and feelings that I was experiencing. The things that I was hearing and feeling can seem like they belong to me, but they simply do not. They are lies and attacks that I do not have to identify with.

The Holy Spirit went on to explain how the enemy would throw heaviness, past struggles, familiar pains, and even sickness to make me question my growth and begin praying or attacking things that I already had victory over. The enemy desired to distract me from walking into the places that God had just spoken over me. None of it was real! When the storm comes, you must remind yourself of God’s track record with you. You must hold fast to the revelations that He has given you and the truth that He has spoken over you and reject every other reality that tries to present itself to you. He then instructed me to:

2. Be still, remain steadfast, and stay focused.

“Be still, and know that I am God;” (Psalm 46:10 NKJV)
“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.” (Exodus 14:14 AMPC)
“Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him;” (Psalm 37:7 AMPC)

There are so many scriptures where the Lord is telling His people to basically chill out and sit down somewhere. He is God and He said that He would fight for us. We don’t have to be consumed with worry, anxiety, or stress, but we can lean on and rely on Him. I had to shift my mind from what I was experiencing and find refuge in the arms of Jesus and just like that, the weight that seemed to be crushing me didn’t seem so large anymore. I became intentional about being still and listening. I need God and His daily bread DAILY and in order to receive what He is readily giving, I must quiet myself and incline my ear to His voice.

3. Press forward

In my stillness and my communing with God, He reminded me of the things that I needed to be working on and encouraged me to continue working on the things that He already gave me vision and instruction for. He reminded me of what He said before I got sick and before the mental attacks came. I felt so protected and cared for by Him because He was so gentle in calming me and redirecting me to the course He planned. If you are still reading this, the Lord wants you to be encouraged to move forward!

Don’t believe me? Look at this:

In Exodus 14, the people of Israel have been freed from captivity, but are now facing hardship. Pharoah and his men are pursuing them from behind and there is a large sea of water in front of them. They begin spiraling and regretting following Moses out of slavery. Moses responds to them and says, “Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians you see today, you shall see again no more forever.”

What a statement of faith! As you are facing situations that seem impossible, it is so important to have someone in your life who will speak life and speak truth in faith. Imagine how much faith and trust Moses had in God to be able to say that at such a tough moment. He went on to say, “The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace.” And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.”

Do you see the parallel?

As I faced a storm, the Lord gave me wisdom and said “This is a distraction.” He also spoke wisdom to the Israelites by using Moses to say, “Don’t be afraid, watch God save you today!” Then God told me to be still, just like Moses told the Israelites, “The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.” Then God refocused me and told me to move forward just as He told the Israelites to do before the sea even opened up.

This message and encouragement is the same for you! Be encouraged because your current attack will not destroy you! Be still and move forward! Listen to the Lord and all of His instructions that He speaks through His people to you. He may tell you to move and in faith you must move, even if you do not see the path that He wants you to move into yet. As you obey and move, He will meet you! Move forward child of God! There is more that the Lord requires of you in this season.


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