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Fear is Quenching Your Multiple Streams of Income

Starting businesses and multiple streams of income stem from passions, creativity, and gifts that an individual possesses that can become profitable for them. For example, someone who is passionate about doing makeup and possesses the creativity to do well at applying makeup can profit from marketing themselves and selling what they can do. Another example is someone who is passionate about teaching people about finances. They may have a wealth of knowledge and the ability to profit from selling that information. If they were to write a book, that would be a stream of income for them.

Though I simplified the process of discovering a passion and it becoming a profitable business, I do not want to neglect that fact that you should always be learning and growing in your craft. Degrees and certificates are great things to have with certain careers. But, there is something in you right now that you are qualified enough to start on and establish today!

God has placed these ideas and passions and the ability to create inside of you. All of it is not just for a hobby. It was strategically placed within you to sustain you. We are children of the Most High God and have more purpose than to spend our lives slaving away just to live paycheck to paycheck. He has set provision for us to not have to live for money.

In our society, there is a huge focus on money. Everyone is striving for more money, we measure success on how much money we are or are not making and we base our life decisions on where and how we can make money. Some may uproot their entire family and move to a new state because of a good job promised with good pay and do this to provide for the family. Others may live in depression or sadness because they simply do not see a way out of the hole of poverty. Another person may decide not to help a person that they meet that is in need because they are worried about being in need themselves due to having a lack of money.

Money has become an idol to us.

Yes, I know we are doing what we can and believe me, I understand the hardships that we sometimes fall to. How can we not be focused on money when it impacts our livelihood in such a dynamic way. We make money as our idol because we do not have enough of it to sustain us and our families. I do not say this to say that you are bad and are living a messed up life. I say this to illuminate to you that we were not designed to live like this. We were designed with and equipped with the ability to create wealth and to be stable enough financially to truly follow Christ and Christ alone.

What would you be able to do for the kingdom if you were not lacking or at risk for lacking money?

That very thing is what is at stake when we do not utilize all that we possess. Imagine how freely we could move when God said to move and how free our minds would be to focus on the things that He leads us to versus having to filter life through the lens of having enough money.

I believe that Christ desires for us to become stable in our finances so that we can stop worrying, focusing on, and being led by money. I refuse to believe that the gifts that God placed inside of me are just hobbies. I refuse to believe that the imagination that I drift into is solely for my personal amusement. These things were placed inside of me strategically as a source of sustainment for my life and I must address every factor, attack, and spirit that seeks to keep me from developing and launching those things.

So, fear, I’m coming for you.

Fear can quench your streams of income because it causes you to doubt yourself, question yourself or the voice of God, second-guess instruction, and self-sabotage.

Fear masquerades itself as wisdom and logic. It will give you false-validation that you are being wise and are making logical decisions when in reality, you are not utilizing your faith at all.

Remaining in fear will leave you in the cycle of poverty and complacency. It is time to eradicate it and move forward to fulfill all that you were designed to do in the earth.

Separate the identity of the spirit of fear from your identity. The doubt, conflicting thoughts, anxiety, lies, confusion etc is not a result of who you are. It is the spirit of fear attempting to influence you and make you believe things that are false. This is what happens:

You notice that you love something like party planning. Not only do you enjoy it, you have a passion for it. You love to plan all types of events, and when someone even mentions an event like a baby shower, ideas of themes, colors, party favors, and activities flood your mind.

Then you have a wild thought: I should be a party planner.

The minute you release that thought, that fear that has been lying dormant attached to your hip wakes up. It begins to speak:

" You have never professionally planned a party in your life! You are not credible! You have zero experience, who will ever hire you? Calm down, plan your own parties and be content with that. You need to find a real job because you have real bills. You don’t even live in a good enough area to make a profit from being a party planner. Plus, there are already enough party planners out there who are probably better than you. Imagine what everyone will think when they see you “attempt” at starting your own business. This is a complete joke. You don’t even have the time to put into being a planner. You are already doing so and so… "

You sit and listen to and consider every last one of these thoughts.

And by the time fear is done saying its piece, you have ruled out being a party planner and have completely moved on to the next thought!

Now fill in this scenario with whatever your thing is and evaluate it. Fear has really tried to psych you out of doing something that you were born to do. Fear has dragged you in the street by your hair and jumped you like a thug repeatedly! And you have allowed it !

  • Recognize fears’ place and influences in your life.

What gifts do you possess that you have shut down or put on hold because fear told you that you couldn’t do it?

  • Shut it down and do the opposite.

Fear arises to keep you complacent. Refuse complacency and swiftly do what fear seeks to prevent you from doing.

  • Pray. I am a witness.

God eradicated the generational curse of fear to be broken off of my bloodline. He has eradicated our tendency to filter everything through the lens of fear and has liberated us to hope, dream, and plan without fear.

I remind you just as the Apostle Paul reminded Timothy in 2 Timothy 1: 6-7, “...stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Pray this with me:

Jesus, thank you! Thank you for the liberation that comes with your presence. Thank you for the authority that we have inherited from you to trample over serpents and bondage. Expose embedded fear and eradicate it from our minds, families, and bloodlines. Lord, we pray for divine discernment to be able to identify the voice of fear and the strength to resist that voice. Father make your voice the loudest and clearest voice that we hear. Pour your wisdom into our hearts, press our identities into our minds, establish and solidify us in who we are called to be. We declare that fear no longer rules us and no longer keeps us from being fruitful in this land. Release creativity, ideas, imagination, strategy, and provision to manifest within us even beginning today. Make the work of our hands fruitful and a blessing to our families and to the kingdom of God. May we glorify you in our tearing down of the idol of money and advance the kingdom because we are freed to do so. As we immerse ourselves in you and your presence, reveal our gifts and the plan for our lives to us. Make us confident in who we are called to be and bold enough to step out in faith. Have your way in us Lord! AMEN

With Love,

Hannah Giles


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