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Do you make this mistake with God?

The other day, God shared something with me that I just had to share with you!

As I showered, I heard Him say, "My people have distanced themselves from me because they believe that I act and respond like other humans do."

I began to think about the numerous times I have heard people explain how they need to stop doing this or that in order to be in right standing with God or times when people have felt so condemned and far from God because of sinning or backsliding. I even thought of myself and how I used to believe that my works either granted me close access to God or shut off my access to Him.

That day I read 1 Samuel 12 and I haven't been the same since!

In this scripture, the people of Israel demanded that Prophet Samuel appoint a king to rule over them since it is what other nations had. After this request, Samuel had to break it down and explain to the Israelites why it was so disrespectful that they even asked this.

What the other nations didn't have that Israel did have was the true and living God on their side! God was their king. God delievered them from slavery in Egypt and God allowed them to win over their enemies in battle. But they always forgot what the Lord had done and tried to take matters into their own hands. Even though God was faithful to them, they would forget, serve other idols and then beg for forgiveness from God.

Right about here is where our human nature prompts us to cut people off. I am sure you have felt this way about someone and that someone has done this to you. We feel like we should not give people access to hurt and disrespect us over and over again and we cut ties.

I am not saying that this thought process is good or bad for you, but I am saying that though we think and act like this, this is not the nature of God. Here's the proof:

Once the people realized how wicked it was to request a king instead of God, this is what the prophet Samuel said to them:

Samuel replied, "Do not be afraid. Even though you have commited all this evil, don't turn away from following the Lord. Instead, worship Him with all your heart. Don't turn away to follow worthless things that can't profit or rescue you; they are worthless. The Lord will not abandon His people, because of His great name and because He has determined to make you His own people." (1 Samuel 12:20-22 CSB)

This displays the heart and the character of God towards His people. Even though they commited a great sin towards God, they didnt need to run and cover themselves. God wasn't disgusted or repulsed by them. Instead, He desired that they turn from their ways and come to to Him wholeheartedly!


  1. Because of His great name. (That's just who He is!) and

  2. Because He is determined to make YOU His own people!

This scripture and truth is relevant to us today! This is how God treated His people in the Old Testament, but imagine how much more this applies to us as believers under the new covenant of Grace!

And this is not in place just so that we have a safety net everytime we sin, it is in place because God loves us and is familiar with our sinful nature. We aren't subject to death or abandonment when we don't get it right, we have access to repentence and redemption. We can run to Him and receive help. We can get up and try again!

I encourage you to walk boldly in relationship with God, knowing that He doesn't hold grudges over your head. Knowing that He does not hold a posture of anger towards you. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to change your perspective of how God views you and your sin. He is not like humans who dispose of each other whenever they feel slighted. He is love, and nothing you can do can separate you from close access and dwelling with Him.

Bask in and share His love this week!

With Love,

Hannah Giles

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