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Do I Have An Assignment To Write? Or Am I Called To Be A Writer?

Updated: Oct 1, 2021

As believers, we are always trying to learn about and grow into the callings, assignments, and gifts that we were given.

There is always something new to learn about who we are and why we are that way.

In our endeavors to uncover our own layers, it can easily become confusing to understand what to label ourselves and what resources to use in order to learn more about ourselves.

Our family and friends can even add to this confusion by accident as they seek to encourage and push us to be great.

When they see that you have a grace to speak in front of people, they want you to establish a platform for the world to hear your voice!

When they see that you can sing, they want you to get signed and make an album!

When they see that you write well, they want you to write that book AND give them a free copy!

And they aren’t wrong!

We need people who are close enough to us to see pieces of our identity, highlight them to us, and then hype us up until we believe that we can achieve great things.

However, this is not the last step in the process of learning about ourselves.

What comes next is taking this clue, and any other clue that we have gathered along the journey, and presenting them to God for clarity and then strategy.

If you are graced to speak in front of people, it does not automatically mean that you are the next motivational speaker. It could mean that you will have the boldness to say what God tells you to say at a very pivotal point in time (an assignment) or it could mean that you will travel the world, visiting various venues and teaching about any given topic (a calling).

Maybe you are graced to write or you have a desire to write. Does this make you a writer? Or do you just have an assignment to write something specific?

It is important seek clarity and understanding on information about your identity so that you know how to move forward. Sometimes we are conditioned to think one way about our identity and never consider what He truly had planned when He chose us. Speaking with God specifically about individual parts of your identity will help you to see yourself the way that He sees you. Your strategy will come after understanding comes.

If you only have an assignment to write a book about your testimony in addition to maybe speaking, counseling, or serving in some capacity, then you may benefit from partnering with a writing and self-publishing coach who offers a package that will walk you through the process of completing your assignment and assist you in completing it in a timely manner and in excellence. There's no need to turn yourself into a professional writer because honestly, that is what editors and coaches are for. Your coach will help you to find a cover designer, help you with the interior design of your book, inspire you through writers' block, give you constructive feedback on your writing, and encourage you through the entire process.

If you feel that this is exactly what you need, click here to schedule a free consultation with me to see if I am a good fit for you.

On the other hand, you may be called to write. If you are, it may already be abundantly obvious because the phrase “called to write” resonates with you deeply. You’ve probably been writing most of your life. Filling journals, voice notes, and anything that you can scratch words onto when you are randomly inspired. Though writing is in your nature, you may not have completely said yes to the call and made room for this part of you in your life. If this is you, then you will need to partner with a writing and self-publishing coach who will teach you how to incorporate writing into your already busy schedule and give you strategy on how to be productive in your call without getting burned-out. You will also need them to hold you accountable, be available and knowledgeable to think-tank ideas, and give you constructive feedback (plus much more).

If you feel that this is exactly what you need, click here to schedule a free consultation with me to see if I am a good fit for you.

Whether you are writing a book, a curriculum, a workbook, an e-course, a blog, or planning for a podcast, I am equipped and motivated to partner with you to help you to impact the world to know and see Jesus!

It is time to complete the assignment and answer the call!

With Love,

Hannah Giles

If you still are not quite sure if you have an assignment to write or if you have a calling to write, I have compiled a few indicators for you:


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